Club Rules

Annexure 1 - Sites & Installation
  1. The Club will have a maximum of 68 (sixty-eight) sites that are available for eligible members to build on.
  2. Only temporary structures may be built on these sites as outlined by the Department of Water Affairs and Regional Services Council. See building regulations below.
  3. Only Life or Premier members are entitled to a site, if available.
  4. Members who are allocated a site are called “Site-Users”.
  5. Only the improvements on the land may be sold. The land is leased from and belongs to the Department of Water Affairs.
  6. If for whatever reason the Club is asked to vacate the leased area, the Site-User will be responsible for clearing the site of all structures and removal of all buildings, structures, and rubble from the site. The site must be left as it was before it was built on.
  7. No compensation shall be payable to a Site-User if the Club is forced to vacate the area or relocate to a new site.
  8. If for whatever reason we must vacate or relocate, a new installation fee may become payable by Site-Users at the new location. What is this?
  9. Site-Users who do not pay the prescribed fees for availability of the facilities and for the usage of the utilities as described below, will have their supplies disconnected. turned off.
  10. Electricity Installation:
    • The Club will be responsible for carry out maintenance from the Eskom supply to the distribution (external meter) boxes, including the external box itself.
    • The Site-User will be responsible for maintenance of the installation from the meter inside the distribution box to a house, including the the site’s circuit breaker and the meter itself.
    • The Club will not be held accountable for any costs incurred by any Site-User due to malfunctioning meters.
    • All sites with electricity available will be debited a monthly availability fee for the availability of electricity, as outlined in the Schedule. Add a schedule number here and attach
    • Electricity used will be debited to members’ accounts at the prevailing rate per unit.
    • Each Site-User shall be in possession of an electrical certificate of compliance which requires renewal when ownership changes.
  11. Water installation
    • The Club will maintain the main water system. Any maintenance required after a site’s stop cock, will be for the Site-User’s account.
    • All sites have a water supply, and all Site-User’s will be debited a yearly availability fee as part of their levies. for the availability of water. As per Schedule A
    • The water supplied from the water system is obtained directly from the dam and is not purified. The Club will not be held liable for any illness caused or direct or indirect costs incurred as a result of the usage of the water in any way. It is recommended that all parties bring their own drinking water.
  12. Rubble
    • All rubble must be removed from the site by the Site-User. Any costs incurred by the Club for clearing the area around a Site-User’s house will be for the Site-User’s account.
    • No one is allowed to may dump any refuse or rubble of any nature anywhere within the Club grounds. All  Any unauthorised dumping will be regarded as unacceptable behaviour in terms of these Rules. and the Constitution and will be dealt with as such.  Furthermore, the dumped rubble will be removed by the Club, for the account of the perpetrator.
    • Any unauthorised rubble we be removed by the Club at the owners’ expense.
Annexure 2 - Building Regulations
  1. All houses must be temporary and as such, must be able to be removed.
  2. Only aluminium type mobile homes or removable houses clad in lap-type aluminium, wood or Nutec boards are permitted. Houses must be aesthetically acceptable and in keeping with the acceptable standard set by the Club.
  3. No mortar construction is permitted above ground level, and the use of concrete must be kept to a minimum.
  4. Braais can are allowed to be built of face brick or Smart stone and must have a chimney. Particular attention must be given to avoid any risk of uncontrolled fire.
  5. Garden retaining walls should be built with interlocking retaining blocks or vibracrete. The maximum height for a vibracrete wall is five panels.
  6. Maximum undercover permanent roof structure not to exceed 140m2. This includes all structures on a site and includes but is not limited to wendyhouses and garden sheds.
  7. No building may be done without approved building plans. This includes any / all alterations, braais or structural changes. The following procedure must be followed:
    • A completed application together with five copies of the plans (two in colour) for the proposed work, drawn to the requirements of the NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS must be handed to the Club Manager. Plans must include a site plan indicating the front line of houses on adjacent plots.
    • Any two members of the building sub-committee will inspect the plans, to ensure that there are no deviations from the building regulations, after which the application and five copies of the plans will be submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS and following their approval, to BREEDEVALLEY MUNICIPALITY. Upon approval by both the DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS and BREEDEVALLEY MUNICIPALITY, one copy must be handed to the Club Manager to be filed. Upon completion of the building works, copies of the following certificates must be handed to the Club Manager to be added to the file:
      • Roof Structure Certificate or Engineer’s Certificate (whichever is applicable)
      • Electrical Compliance Certificate
      • Gas Installation Certificate (if applicable)
    • No deviation from the building regulations will be accepted.
    • Building may only begin once the above authorities have approved the plans. The Committee will monitor this process and keep members advised. Members are requested not to contact the authorities directly. Maybe we should institute a permission to start building form
    • If no approved building plans are on site, the Club Manager has the right to stop the building/alterations etc. and refuse workers access to the premises.
  8. All building must comply with the approved plans and no deviations will be allowed, which includes internal partitioning and sanitation. Every house must have its own sanitary system, which must meet the standards as laid down by the RSC and as approved by the Department of Water Affairs. Current systems are required to be changed to the new “Bubbler” tank system before / in conjunction with any other alterations, but in any event by no later than 30 June 2017 as stipulated by the Department of Water Affairs. The system and its exact positioning must be approved by the building committee before installation commences.
  9. The Committee has the right to request a member in writing by email to remove any illegal structure. The Committee has the right to have it removed at the members expense for the member’s account if the member fails to comply with such a request within 14 days.
  10. Members are responsible for the adequate supervision of labour so as not to jeopardize the Club.
    • All persons working on site are the responsibility of the member for whom they are working, and it is the member’s responsibility to ensure they are familiar with the rules and regulations of the club.
    • Building operations are to be conducted in such a way that they do not inconvenience other members.
    • Building sites are to be kept clean and tidy and all rubble is to be removed regularly.
    • Building contractors should not be allowed on site over weekends.
Annexure 3 - General Rules
  1. Destruction and damage of vegetation is prohibited.
  2. Destruction and disturbance of animal, bird or insect life is prohibited.
  3. No firearms, weapons or traps may be used within the Club grounds.
  4. The use of all types of motorised transport is restricted to the roads and designated areas.
  5. The speed limit for any kind of transport is 10km/h.
  6. No unlicensed person will be permitted to drive a motor car without supervision and any usage of the vehicle stays the responsibility of the owner. No drunken or reckless driving of any vehicle or craft is allowed.
  7. Members take full responsibility for their children, family and guests’ behaviour and adherence to club rules.
  8. All rubbish or waste must be dumped in designated bins and may not be dumped anywhere else within the club grounds. Members may not leave rubbish or waste of any kind or allow it to be left on any part of the land except at such place/s or in such receptacles as are specifically provided, therefore. No waste, organic or inorganic, may be deposited in the dam.
  9. Members are not to permit No noise or unruly behaviour will be permitted that may cause will be a nuisance to any other person / persons using any of the facilities. of the Quaggaskloof Waterski Club.
  10. Members will be fully liable for the cost of repair of all damage to Club property, infrastructure and/or the land occupied by it, or other members’ property, caused by themselves or any person(s) they are responsible for. falling under their group and hence their responsibility, through negligence or otherwise.
  11. Use of the campsite is available to members at the prevailing rate and upon booking a site in advance.

Premier Members:  maybe site users

  1. Are allowed to make use of visitors vouchers. Depends on system agreed
  2. Allowing people to use their property in their absence, must inform the office as full daily tariffs are charged for vehicles, boats, etc and are payable to the club. Visitors vouchers grant visitors entry on a voucherper-vehicle-per-24 hours basis, and vouchers may only be used to gain access to the Club and the use of its facilities in the member’s presence. When a voucher is used, the full daily tariff for boats, etc is still charged.
  3. Guests and family are allowed free access from Monday to Thursday out of season (1 June to 31 August). Public holidays, etc are excluded from the above concession.
  4. Premier members with sites can are allowed to bring pets to QWC. The following rules apply where pets are brought to QWC:
    • Members with pets will at all times be responsible for the behaviour of their pets. pet or pets’ behaviour and conduct.
    • Members with pets will be required to clean up after their pets and dispose thereof in a proper fashion.
    • The Pets must always be kept under control. at all times.
    • Pets are not allowed to roam the Club grounds without being on a leash held by an adult person.
    • No pets, supervised or otherwise, are allowed on the day visitors’ area or in and around the Clubhouse.
    • Members with Pets may face penalties and the pets will be banned from future entry into the Club grounds if valid complaints are received. Complaints are to be directed the the Club Manager, who will also deal with all disputes.
  5. Guests of members are not allowed to bring pets to QWC.
  6. Refuse bags will be cleared from bins during the morning and afternoon on weekends, long weekends, public holidays and school holidays, and the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during other times. Refuse bags must be left at the entrance to your property for collection.
  7. Premier members with sites are to maintain their properties in good condition so as not to be an embarrassment to the Club or fellow members. Failure to do so within three months after being given notice may result in the club gaining access to the site and dwelling and doing the necessary maintenance and billing the member accordingly.
Annexure 4 - Safety Rules
  1. The Quaggaskloof Waterski Club and all parties gaining access to the dam via the premises of the Quaggaskloof Waterski Club must have to adhere to the legislation and codes as observed by the South African Marine Safety Authority (SAMSA).
  2. The QWC committee reserves the right to refuse permission to launch, or to order the immediate removal from the water of any craft considered unsafe, or not complying with the prevailing legislation and codes (this includes, but is not limited to the Compulsory Equipment mentioned below), or being used in a manner which endangers the safety of others.
  3. When a competition is underway all non-participating craft are asked to keep clear of craft involved in racing, tournaments, and slalom practice.
  4. All craft must carry sufficient life jackets for each person on board, life jackets must be worn by all non-swimmers, children under the age of 5 and by persons being towed.
  5. All persons to wear life jackets on tiller-arm controlled boats (e.g. all boats without a steering wheel, rubber duck boats, etc). This includes all types of jet skis.
  6. All power craft towing a skier must carry an observer.
  7. Water-skiing includes, but is not limited to, the towing of tubes, floats, knee boards, paddle skis, parasails, etc.
  8. Water-skiing off the main beaches must be in an anti-clockwise direction. (towards your right hand side )
  9. All power craft towing a skier have the right of way over craft not towing a skier.
  10. All power craft already towing a skier have right of way over a power craft preparing to tow a skier. Power craft pilots manoeuvring to start a skier must ensure the circuit is clear to the left before starting from the shore.
  11. All power craft manoeuvring to start/restart/recover a skier from the shore or in deep water shall throughout the manoeuvre hold up a red flag.
  12. Ski ropes must not be allowed to trail behind the towing craft and must be retrieved immediately once the skier has been retrieved.
  13. No power craft may be operated by anyone without a valid skipper’s license, unless under the supervision of a person with, and in possession of, his/her valid skipper’s license. The manner in which the craft is used and conduct on the craft still remains the responsibility of the person with the valid skipper’s license. The above excludes power craft of 15hp or less, where there is currently no requirement for a valid Certificate of Fitness for the vessel or skipper’s license for the operator.  It is still advisable that the vessel have the Compulsory and Recommended Equipment as set out under (28) below.
  14. Riding on/in the bow of a power craft not fitted with seats forward of the steering position is strictly forbidden. Sitting on the sides of a boat is prohibited, except in the case of inflatable boats, in which case those passengers must wear life jackets.
  15. A valid Certificate of Fitness must always be kept on a craft and be available for display. must be kept on a craft and be available for display at all times. All members are required to have copies of their valid Certificates of Fitness and skipper’s licenses kept on record with the Water Safety Officer.
  16. Launching is to be from the Club slipways only, or as notified by management. xxxx
  17. The number of persons allowed on each boat shall be restricted to the seating accommodation available on such boat. Should be restricted to the qty on the COF
  18. All craft to have robust steering, as well as secure seating, fuel tanks, engine mountings and batteries.
  19. Swimming is only permitted within 15 meters of the shore. Except where otherwise stipulated, any access to the water beyond this 15m requires a life jacket, for example a canoe, rowboat, wind / kite surfer, etc 
  20. Children are not allowed to play near the slipway or launching area.
  21. Craft are not allowed on the water after sunset or before sunrise if not registered to do so as per its Certificate of Fitness and if without the prerequisite navigation lights.
  22. Skiing after sunset and before sunrise is prohibited. Sunrise is defined as when the whole sun (the ball, not the rays) is visible above the mountains, and sunset is defined as when the whole sun (the ball, not the rays) has disappeared behind the mountains.
  23. No drunken or reckless driving allowed.
  24. Pilots must attach the kill switch rope to their body or arm.
  25. Seaplanes, hovercraft, and water jet propelled watercraft are prohibited on the dam, in terms of Provincial Ordinance No 19 of 1974 and No 24 of 1999.
  26. The club has been given authority, in terms of the above ordinance, to issue 20 permits for the use of water jet propelled craft on the dam at a time.
  27. Members’ boats/jet skis must also be surveyed annually by an authorised person to obtain a Certificate of Fitness. A register shall as far as possible be kept by the Club. Random checks may also be done by office staff or the Water Safety Officer at any time. 
  28. Any changes to water safety regulations by government will be deemed included in the “General Rules and Safety Requirements for All Power Craft” per this annexure although not stated, and shall, where contradictory to these rules and requirements, overrule these rules and requirements.

Contravention of these rules, and specifically legislation in this regard, will be dealt with as per Clause 3 of the Constitution, and may lead to termination of membership and loss of occupancy rights on the Club premises. 

Compulsory Equipment

  1. A SABS approved life jacket for every person on board
  2. A fire extinguisher of at least 1.5kg in size
  3. A red flag (for use with skiing or for signalling when help is required)
  4. Bailing bucket or bilge pump
  5. A suitable anchor with at least 20m rope and an anchor chain
  6. Two paddles or oars
  7. Kill switch with rope for attachment to driver
  8. A sounding device, whistle, or foghorn
  9. A first aid kit
  10. Documentation such as Skipper’s License and Certificate of Fitness
  11. Tool kit

Other recommended equipment

  1. Pencil flares
  2. Additional floatation
  3. Spare fuel

 Jet skis     Compulsory??

  1. All parties on a jet ski must are to be able to swim
  2. In addition, Life jackets to be worn at all times by each person on the craft
  3. Flares
  4. 5m tow rope
  5. Fire extinguisher
  6. A red flag (if used for skiing)
  7. Kill switch with rope for attachment to driver
  8. Documentation such as Skipper’s License and Certificate of Fitness

All members’ moorings and buoys must be marked with their membership and site number. H and number or P and number as applicable. If the mooring is not clearly marked with the buoy, the owner is responsible if any damage is caused to other boats.      ???

When the water recedes, all exposed moorings will be moved on your behalf to the high-water mark. (Roughly the end of May)

The Club does not take responsibility for moorings and buoys getting lost or stolen or being insufficient to hold any boat

Any mooring not marked will be dumped in the quarry.

SAMSA is presently negotiating with the government to have inland water rules drawn up. These rules will come into place as soon as they are gazetted.     

Annexure 5 - Fire

Emergency Phone Numbers

Breede River Regional Services Council

(023) 347 0945

The Dept of Correctional Services, Brandvlei

(023) 340 8000


(023) 348 6100


(023) 342 2698


(023) 348 1500


(023) 348 1100


Recommended equipment at every house:

  1. The following equipment is recommended to be available at every house:
  • 1 x 20m hose pipe with the standard “Gardena” quick coupler
  • All taps should have quick coupler fittings
  • The club building will also be equipped with firefighting equipment.
  • The area around the houses must be kept clean from all types of garbage and other rubble that could increase fire risk.
  1. Fire fighting
    • All members are requested to assist in fighting a fire. The quicker the firefighting begins, the easier the fire may he brought under control.
    • The above departments must be contacted.
    • Swatting of the flames is the most effective way to bring a fire under control.
    • Water and sand, if available, are also extremely effective.
  1. Fire Precautions / hints
    • Fires may only be lit in the designated areas.
    • Fires must be extinguished after they have been used.
    • If you notice anyone (including, but not limited to members) making a fire in any unauthorized area, you have the right to extinguish the fire.
    • No fires may be lit on the beach, unless in a proper braai. This includes the complete beach around the Dam.
    • No rubble, garbage or unwanted material may be burned.
Annexure 6 - Duties of Users

Any party entering the Club grounds / premises:

  1. Shall be bound and will abide by the Constitution and all rules and regulations laid down by the Club, as well as all rules and regulations laid down by the Department of Water Affairs.
  2. Will not use it as a permanent residence, but rather for holiday / weekend purposes, i.e. a stay of a temporary nature. This excludes the employees of the Quaggaskloof Waterski Club who reside on the premises on a permanent basis to effect maintenance and upkeep of the Club.        
Annexure 7 - Medical

To ensure that a victim of any unforeseen accident is treated correctly please take the patient to one of the hospitals in Worcester as soon as possible.

We unfortunately are not experienced in the above fields and the Club does not have any anti-venom for either snake bites or scorpion bites.

The hospitals in Worcester are about 15 minutes away. If possible, try to identify the reptile or scorpion, so that the hospital can treat the patient in the correct manner.

Please assist where possible.

Directions to Eben Dongers Hospital, (023) 348 1100, Murray Street, Worcester:

At the T junction at Worcester turn right and drive to the robot. From here on the road is Durban Road. Continue over several 4 way stops. Turn right into Murray Street. Drive down the road and enter the hospital premises.  The Emergency entrance on right hand side.

Annexure 8 Quads & Two Wheelers (ATV's)

Definition: RV refers to quads, three wheelers, two wheelers, motorbikes, and other recreational vehicles.

  1. Only members are allowed to bring RV’s quads and two wheelers to Quaggaskloof.
  2. The member will take full responsibility for any other person using these RV’s. member’s quads and/or two wheelers. The member must always be present when a non-member uses the RV. member’s quads or two wheelers.
  3. Members with RV’s used at the dam indemnify the Club from being held liable for any cost, direct or indirect, of injuries sustained or any kind of damage, as a result of the use of any of those RV’s quads and/or two wheelers.
  4. Quad and two wheeler RV hours for children are from 09h00 till sunset.
  5. 10kph speed limit to be adhered to inside Club grounds – unrestricted outside gate.
  6. Driving of quads and/or two wheelers RV’s are prohibited between houses due to water pipes and electric cables that can be damaged.
  7. It is recommended that bike speed for younger kids be governed.
  8. New quad and/or two wheeler riders may also undergo the above test.
  9. All children under the age of six, riding an RV quad or two wheeler must at all times be supervised by an adult.
  10. The Club Manager will have the right to remove any bike RV that does not abide by the rules.
    1. 1st offence – 1-day ban from riding
    2. 2nd offence – 3-day ban from riding
    3. 3rd offence – will result in a ban for the remainder of their stay
    4. In severe cases the offender may be banned from ever riding an RV quad or two wheeler in the Club grounds.
  11. Driving of quads or two wheelers RV’s on beach or Club’s grassed areas is prohibited. Please stick to the roads.
  12. Use of quads and/or two wheelers RV’s before 09h00 or after sunset is prohibited for “funrides”, but is allowed just for transport from point A to B. Quads and two wheelers RV’s used during these times must have their head lights on.  Quads and two wheelers RV’s without head lights are prohibited from being used during these times.  
Annexure 9 - Selling of Houses & Campsites

Houses and permanent sites may not be sold to anyone other than a fully paid up, approved category member.

Any member wishing to sell his/her house or site must ensure that all outstanding accounts are paid before the new owner may take possession.

If not installed already, a house can only be sold if it includes the installation of a sanitary system as approved by the Department of Water Affairs.

Notice of an owner’s intention to sell must be tendered in writing to the treasurer in good time to facilitate the drawing up of a final account.

In the event of a member not having cleared his/her account the Committee reserves the right to bar the new member/owner from access to the property until such accounts have been settled in full.

 The following documents must be in order and filed with the Club Manager before the transaction can be finalised:

  • Building plans approved by both the Department of Water Affairs and Breedevalley Municipality
  • Roof Structure Certificate or Engineer’s Certificate (whichever is applicable)
  • Electrical Compliance Certificate
  • Gas Installation Certificate (if applicable)

Annexure 9 Should possibly be added to the constitution

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